Convert solidworks 2018 to 2017
Convert solidworks 2018 to 2017

What file formats does 3D Interconnect support? Companies looking to switch from one 3D CAD software to SOLIDWORKS.Companies that have lingering legacy data.Consultants/Manufacturers working with customers that have a different CAD system.SOLIDWORKS 3D Interconnect is designed for a “mixed CAD” environment: Keep in mind that the CATIA V5 translation is greatly enhanced in 3D Interconnect. CATProduct for V5R8 – 5–6R2016) by using the old SOLIDWORKS translators. If you do not enable 3D Interconnect functionality, ( Tools > Options > System Options > Import > File Format > General), SOLIDWORKS will use CATIA V5 to SOLIDWORKS translator license to import the CATIA V5 files (.CATPart. NOTE: The CATIA® V5 to SOLIDWORKS® Translator will continue to function in SOLIDWORKS 2017 and SOLIDWORKS 2018 software versions as long as you were licensed for it in these versions. See SOLIDWORKS 3D Interconnect in action below:

convert solidworks 2018 to 2017

The CATIA V5-SOLIDWORKS Translator was replaced by 3D Interconnect, which provides direct integration of native CATIA files, 3D Interconnect was introduced with SOLIDWORKS Premium 2017 (Premium version only). This tool is also not available in SOLIDWORKS 2019 or newer. The CATIA® V5-SOLIDWORKS Translator is no longer supported and can no longer be renewed.

Convert solidworks 2018 to 2017